Part 2 - PortSwigger - XSS Attack | Shahul Hameed

Lab 7: Reflected DOM XSS

    Description: Reflected DOM vulnerabilities occur when the server-side application processes data from a request and echoes the data in the response.

    Tool required: Burp Suite

Step 1: UI View

Step 2: In burp suite tool find a JSON file 

Step 3: We have a JSON file restricted with eval() function.

Step 4: To bypass eval() function using payload 


Step 5: Result

Lab 8: Stored DOM XSS

    Description: In an attempt to prevent XSS, the website uses the JavaScript replace() function to encode angle brackets. However, when the first argument is a string, the function only replaces the first occurrence. We exploit this vulnerability by simply including an extra set of angle brackets at the beginning of the comment. These angle brackets will be encoded, but any subsequent angle brackets will be unaffected, enabling us to effectively bypass the filter and inject HTML.

Step 1: Inject payload

    <><img src=1 onerror=alert(1)>

Step 2: Result

Lab 9: Reflected XSS with event handlers and href attributes blocked

    Description: This lab contains a reflected XSS vulnerability with some whitelisted tags, but all events and anchor href attributes are blocked.

    Note that you need to label your vector with the word "Click" in order to induce the simulated lab user to click your vector. For example: <a href="">Click me</a>

Step 1: 
    Inject payload  

Step 2: Decode the payload

Step 3: Result

Lab 10: Reflected XSS with some SVG markup allowed

    Description: This lab has a simple reflected XSS vulnerability. The site is blocking common tags but misses some SVG tags and events.

Step 1: UI View

Step 2: Capture in burp suite tool 

Step 3:Send into intruder and clear it dollar symbol in all keywords.

    Clear $ 

Step 4: Add <$$>

Step 5: Now we go to brute force attack with payloads

    Note: Copy the clipboard from the cheat sheet and paste it into the burp suite payload set input box and start attack

Step 6: To the next brute force attack for onevent option in the payload.

Step 7: Finally we generate a payload from a brute force attack in the cheat sheet.

    Payload: %22%3E%3Csvg%3E%3Canimatetransform%20onbegin=alert(1)%3E

Decode as

Step 8: Result

Lab 11: DOM XSS in jQuery selector sink using a hash change event

    Description: This lab contains a DOM-based cross-site scripting vulnerability on the home page. It uses jQuery's $() selector function to auto-scroll to a given post, whose title is passed via the location.hash property.

    To solve the lab, deliver an exploit to the victim that calls the print() function in their browser.


  1. Notice the vulnerable code on the home page using Burp or your browser's DevTools.
  2. From the lab banner, open the exploit server.
  3. In the Body section, add the following malicious iframe:
    <iframe src="" onload="this.src+='<img src=x onerror=print()>'"></iframe>
  4. Store the exploit, then click View exploit to confirm that the print() function is called.
  5. Go back to the exploit server and click Deliver to victim to solve the lab.

Step 1: UI View

Step 2: Click to Go to exploit the server and paste your lab id into the body URL. 

Step 3: Finally, Click the Deliver exploit to victim complete the lab.


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