How to bypass SSL pinning of android applications using FRIDA framework. | Shahul Hameed
Frida framework used to break the SSL pinning in the android application which we can intercept the data in the burp suite for testing purposes.
Required tools:
1. Appie - ADB
2. Genymotion
3. Python(V3.9.9)
Step 1: Config Genymotion Emulator device (Prefer below config device)
Step 2: Download and install python in our system.
To check the python version in your system: CMD: python --version
We need to install some python packages for the Frida server. For this enter the following command in the terminal:
python -m pip install Frida
python -m pip install objection
python -m pip install frida-tools
I prefer below commands:
pip install Frida
pip install objection
pip install frida-tools
Step 4: Connect device to ADB
We need to connect our device to adb to run commands on the device. But first, go to settings >> Developer options and enable debugging mode in the device so that adb can communicate with the device.
Go to the folder where platform tools have been extracted and run the following command to connect the device to adb.
CMD : $ adb connect
Click on 'Allow' if a pop-up appears on the device.
To check if the device is connected to adb:
Note: You should see the IP of your device along with the device name.
CMD: $ adb devices
Step 5: Download Firda server for supported android devices arch version:
We need to download the frida server package for our android device according to our device's arch version.
To find out the arch version of the device, run the following command.
CMD: $ adb shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi
To cut short download following if device configuration is the same as mentioned above:
frida-server-12.4.7-android-x86.xz or frida-server-12.4.7-android-x86_64.xz
Install your application whose SSL pinning has to be bypassed in our device. Open the application and keep it running in the background.
Frida Server Setup
We need to run the Frida server into the device before injecting our script. Follow the steps below:
1. Push Frida-Server into device:
Now we need to push our frida-server file into the device. Extract and Copy “frida-server-12.4.7-android-x86” file in adb folder rename the file as “frida-server”. After this, run following command.
CMD: //adb push <path_of_frida_server_folder><space></data/local/tmp>
Push from(Localhost) -> device
2. Give permissions to frida-server:
CMD: $ adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/frida-server
Step 7: Setup burp suite and install a certificate into the device
Follow this awesome guide to set proxy in burp for android device:
Pushing the proxy's CA certificate into the device
In order to be able to intercept the traffic, frida needs to have access to our Burpsuite’s CA certificate. We will push the same certificate downloaded in step 5. in BurpSuite Setup. Push the certificate into the device and into the same location as the frida-server, name it cert-der.crt (as this name and path has been already mentioned in fridascript.js to avoid any issues)
CMD: // adb push <path to cacert.der> /data/local/tmp/cert-der.crt
$ adb push cacert.der /data/local/tmp/cert-der.crt
Step 8: Script injection to bypass SSL pinning
Now it's time for real magic. We will inject 'fridascrip.js' into the target application.
1. Push fridascript.js into the device:
Copy fridascript.js into adb folder and run the following command to push fridascriot.js into the device.
CMD: //adb push <path_to_fridascript.js_folder> /data/local/tmp
adb push C:\ADB\fridascript.js /data/local/tmp
2. Check and run frida server in the device
CMD: $ adb shell /data/local/tmp/frida-server &
This will run frida-server into the device. Maybe you will not get any output of this command in the
3. List all running processes on the device. (Open new command prompt in appie and
run below command)
Now, we need to find out the id of our target application. We will list all running services on
devices including your application process.
Open a new terminal and type the following command.
CMD: $ frida-ps-U
4.Locate your appliaction's package name.
Note: if not found package name in the below list use MOBSF scan and het the package name.
Step 9: Hook fridascript.js into the target appliaction
Finally, we will hook fridascript.js into the native appliaction with the following command:
Finally we bypassed SSL Pinning and intercept the data.
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