To use emulator(Using NOX emulator): Open Appie Application | Shahul Hameed

To use emulator(Using NOX emulator): Open Appie Application

Tools Requirements
1. Appie tool
2. Burp certificate
3. Frida Server

Step 1:

$ cd C:\Appie\bin\adt\sdk\platform-tools

Step 4 – 6 One time steps we have to do for new devices or emulator.

Step 2:

$ .\adb.exe connect

Step 3:

$ adb devices

Step 4:

$ adb push fridasslandroot.js /data/local/tmp

Step 5:

$ adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/frida-server

Step 6:

$ adb push cacert.der /data/local/tmp/cert-der.crt

Step 7:

Run frida server

$ adb shell /data/local/tmp/frida-server &

Step 8:

Open new tab in APPIE and execute below command:

Finally you are unpinned and execute application in rooted mobile.

$ frida -U -f <Your-Package-Name> -l C:\Appie\bin\adt\sdk\platform-tools\fridasslandroot.js --no-paus

$ frida -U -f com.test.demo -l C:\Appie\bin\adt\sdk\platform-tools\fridasslandroot.js --no-paus


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