Using Burp Suite - Brute Force payloads using XSS Validator(Extension) | Shahul Hameed

XSS Brute Force Payloads using Burp Suite 

Step 1: Get the parameter variable from the scope URL.

Step 2: Intercept the parameter value using the burp suite application as shown in the below screenshot.

Step 3: Clear and add the variable position which goes to perform an attack on the brute force of XSS payloads.

Step 4: Install xssValidator extension in the burp suite and we can also add custom payloads in the below payloads box.

Step 5: Set the following options in the Payloads option.

Step 6: In Intruder clear, the Grep-Match and Grep-Payloads checked option search responses for payload strings.

Step 7: Copy the grep phase from xssValidator and paste it into the intruder grep-match.

Step 8: Unchecked the option from the payload encoding.

Step 9: Start the attack and check the results with the grep value is 1 manually in the web browser which exploited the XSS attack payload.


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