Interaction with API Endpoints Manipulation ( Part - 2 ) | Shahul Hameed

Interaction with API Endpoints Manipulation    

Testing Scope:

There are ways to validate the endpoints through:

1. Browser

2. Burp Suite

3. Postman

4. Curl Command

Note: Based on your situation, we can use the tools..

Query: Returns a random fact with MAX_LENGTH

API End Point Validation: via Browser

Web Browser :

API End Point Validation: via Burp Suite

Positive Case: We are providing the expected input in the parameter..

Negative Case: We are trying to provide unexpected input in the parameter.. (Eg Input: -1) 
- Verify whether the application properly handled error exceptions or not.

Uploading: 331576 of 331576 bytes uploaded.

API End Point Validation: via Postman

API End Point Validation: via Curl Command

Thank You :) See you in Next Topic...


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